Parish Updates for December 2020
New Missalettes
Missalettes for Daily Masses at Holy Rosary will be available at the doors. Please remember if you take a missalette, that it is yours for keeps! We recommend putting you name on it in case you forget it. If you aren't able to make it to Holy Rosary and would like a missalette, please email to [email protected] and we will find a way to get one to you. As always, the Mass readings can be found on the Bishop's website:
Advent begins this weekend! As we prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus at Christmas this year, COVID limits our activities, but let there be no "social distancing" with God our Father! Here are some resources to encourage the coming of His spiritual birth into our own hearts:
1) Prayer Books: We will not be able to pass out Advent devotionals this year because of COVID, but with special arrangements from the publisher, all La Salle Catholic Parishioners have free access to "Now is the Time" booklet online. This devotional consists of a daily scripture verse, meditation, and challenge question for the day. It is available in English and Spanish, see the links below.
2) Advent Guided Prayer: Mondays 7 - 8pm Advent Guided Prayer using Lectio Divina via Zoom Meeting: join in early if you need help connecting or contact Sue at 815 343 6453 for help. Have the Advent Lectio pages from our bulletin handy, or just follow along on the screen. Follow this link: OR just phone in! Call 312 626 6799 and dial in the meeting ID # 555 889 0795. Join for the prayer, and then, if you choose, stay for discussion.
3)Bible Study: Tuesdays 6 - 7pm Bible Study on the Acts of the Apostles at St. Patrick's Church where we can sanitize and spread out! Bring a Bible if you have one or buy one there for $5. Each meeting has its own topic as we go through the Book of Acts, so please feel free to join us whenever possible. We will meet on the 1st of December. The 8th will not have a class as we celebrate the Immaculate Conception. We will meet again on the 15th, before we break until after Christmas.
Our Giving Trees are a bit different this year. All three churches have a Catholic Charities Giving Tree. There are so many families this year that could use some help! To lessen the spread of COVID, Catholic Charities will be accepting gift cards only (NO GIFTS!). Please pick an ornament and then return the gift card(s) with the ornament in an envelope and place it in the Church Collection box or the mailbox at the church office. We have extended the deadline to return the gift cards to Sunday December 6. It's certainly not the same as picking out and donating an actual gift, but this will still brighten Christmas for people in our area.
Office closed to in-person visits. To do our part to reduce the risk of Coronavirus spread, we will not be keeping in-person office hours until our local situation improves. Please call or email if you should need anything. We are here working and will be taking or returning your calls, but it would be best if we didn't meet face-to-face in the office. As of now, we have no contact tracing linking our Parishes or School to the spread of the virus. Please help us keep one another as safe as possible.
Missalettes for Daily Masses at Holy Rosary will be available at the doors. Please remember if you take a missalette, that it is yours for keeps! We recommend putting you name on it in case you forget it. If you aren't able to make it to Holy Rosary and would like a missalette, please email to [email protected] and we will find a way to get one to you. As always, the Mass readings can be found on the Bishop's website:
Advent begins this weekend! As we prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus at Christmas this year, COVID limits our activities, but let there be no "social distancing" with God our Father! Here are some resources to encourage the coming of His spiritual birth into our own hearts:
1) Prayer Books: We will not be able to pass out Advent devotionals this year because of COVID, but with special arrangements from the publisher, all La Salle Catholic Parishioners have free access to "Now is the Time" booklet online. This devotional consists of a daily scripture verse, meditation, and challenge question for the day. It is available in English and Spanish, see the links below.
2) Advent Guided Prayer: Mondays 7 - 8pm Advent Guided Prayer using Lectio Divina via Zoom Meeting: join in early if you need help connecting or contact Sue at 815 343 6453 for help. Have the Advent Lectio pages from our bulletin handy, or just follow along on the screen. Follow this link: OR just phone in! Call 312 626 6799 and dial in the meeting ID # 555 889 0795. Join for the prayer, and then, if you choose, stay for discussion.
3)Bible Study: Tuesdays 6 - 7pm Bible Study on the Acts of the Apostles at St. Patrick's Church where we can sanitize and spread out! Bring a Bible if you have one or buy one there for $5. Each meeting has its own topic as we go through the Book of Acts, so please feel free to join us whenever possible. We will meet on the 1st of December. The 8th will not have a class as we celebrate the Immaculate Conception. We will meet again on the 15th, before we break until after Christmas.
Our Giving Trees are a bit different this year. All three churches have a Catholic Charities Giving Tree. There are so many families this year that could use some help! To lessen the spread of COVID, Catholic Charities will be accepting gift cards only (NO GIFTS!). Please pick an ornament and then return the gift card(s) with the ornament in an envelope and place it in the Church Collection box or the mailbox at the church office. We have extended the deadline to return the gift cards to Sunday December 6. It's certainly not the same as picking out and donating an actual gift, but this will still brighten Christmas for people in our area.
Office closed to in-person visits. To do our part to reduce the risk of Coronavirus spread, we will not be keeping in-person office hours until our local situation improves. Please call or email if you should need anything. We are here working and will be taking or returning your calls, but it would be best if we didn't meet face-to-face in the office. As of now, we have no contact tracing linking our Parishes or School to the spread of the virus. Please help us keep one another as safe as possible.
Advent DevotionalWe will not be able to pass out Advent devotionals this year because of COVID, but with special arrangements from the publisher, all La Salle Catholic Parishioners have free access to "Now is the Time" booklet online. This devotional consists of a daily scripture verse, meditation, and challenge question for the day.
Presentation Sunday in LaSalle
A beautiful Sunday! The view from the east tower of St. Hyacinth shows the bright day melting the rest of the snow in the streets! See more live and time-lapse photos from the tower here.
Holy Rosary Sauce!
Tayrn Watkins' Consecration
On December 8, 2019, former parishioner and artist Taryn Watkins was consecrated by Bishop Jenky to the Order of Virgins in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Peoria. The other seven consecrated women from our Diocese, including parishioner Mary Kay Pangrcic, were in attendance. This mystical espousal to Christ is the most ancient consecrated vocation. Before monasteries and convents existed, there were the consecrated virgins, like Saints Agnes, Cecilia, Agatha, Lucy, and Philomena, who gave themselves in an exclusive gift to Christ, their bridegroom. Consecration means to be set apart for God, intensely dedicated. It is a receptive action initiated by God and given through the hands of His bishop; it is total and forever. We were excited to see so many from LaSalle come to attend the consecration and gathering afterwards. We will get more photos available on the website soon. Congratulations, Taryn! (More information on Bishop Jenky's Blog.)